GraphicsMagick Image Manipulation For Nodejs

Posted By : Sakshi Gadia | 31-May-2018

To manipulate images like cropped, compressed or resized etc. on the server side, we can use gm node module.

It can be accessed by:

npm install gm


To crop images:

Use gm module it takes width, height parameter to crop images


const gm = require('gm');
gm('/path/to/image').crop(300,400) // width, height
.write('/path/to/output', (err) => {


To resize images:

gm('/path/to/image').resize(width, null)

The above code will resize the width by maintaining the aspect ratio.

Same as to resize the height

gm('/path/to/image').resize(null, height)


To compress images:

Compress type: None, BZip, Fax, Group4, JPEG, Lossless, LZW, RLE, Zip, or LZMA



To use images by url, use request npm:

var request = require('request');
var url = ""

.write('/path/to/image', function (err) {
  if (!err) console.log('done');



There are various method of gm module

You can see the link for more details

















About Author

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Sakshi Gadia

An experienced MEAN Stack developer having good knowledge in Nodejs, MongoDb. Apart from these in my spare time, I enjoy playing chess and ready to learn new technologies.

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