Front End and Back End Development

Posted By : Kiran Bisht | 20-Oct-2015

Front end web development is something that can be seen, felt and experienced by the end user. Although, it can’t be perceived by the senses but the user can feel it using their brains and eyes. Each thing that user sees on the browser is the part of front end development. What you see, you interact with, and every visual effect are the essential parts of front end development. Front end is an amalgamation of HTML and CSS being tightly integrated with JS for generating enterprise standard UI for any kind of web solution.


Web Development Services


We know that the modern industry is too much influenced by the look and feel of app after the core functionality. This is the cause that is leading industries towards front end development seeing its potential and power to generate more users leading to increased revenue.


Back-end Development


If front is the skin, back-end is the flesh. Your skin is visible to everybody but not your flesh, but it’s a crucial part of your body. The inner part has all the essential information and secret of the app such as the core logic. What a user sees on the browser is the final result of the instruction from the back-end part. Each interaction that makes user feel happy about the application is controlled from the back-end. Although, JS plays a crucial role in rendering data that’s user focused on the browser, but, in the end, it’s the back-end that allows the secret data to appear in front of users. The database is nicely written in the back-end section with plenty of codes in a programming language such as PHP, Python etc.


Let’s have a look at the crucial elements of front end development.




CSS and HTML are the most crucial part of front end development. What you see on the browser is the HTML while the look and the style that’s being imposed to the HTML contents is CSS. HTML is written as tags and CSS adds impressive looks to the contents within the tags. They are finely integrated with one another to create an incredible web application.





The style and the feel is prepared using CSS and HTML but user interaction is impossible without JS. The user has the power to customize the page by multiple triggers that is events. They are like triggering function that allows web pages to work in a systematic way according to the demand of the user. User feels privileged having those powers.



Frontend Web Frameworks


Frameworks are here to make developers’ lives easy. There are plethora of frameworks available to help developers design highly scalable and efficient web applications without consuming much time and efforts.



Back-end elements in web application development


Back-end just like front-end is supported by some crucial elements that allow the application to run smoothly in the background.


Programming Skill


Undoubtedly, this is the most crucial part of back end programming. The languages are used in developing the logic section of the application, that is, how the application will work under different situations. Languages deal with different sorts of methods, data types, and some object oriented approach to create a successful web application.  



Logical Analysis


Logical analysis is the most critical part of an application, without it, the app is nothing but waste. In case, application’s functionality is not defined correctly by the programmer, the application won’t be a trustworthy one. For this very reason back-end developers have to analyze a lot before coding.


Server Communication


The server communication is a stage during which the data is harvested in the database and retrieved by the user as per their requirements.


In the end, the website is about creating incredible user experience. If you want a website to succeed then UX remains the top priority.



About Author

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Kiran Bisht

Kiran Bisht is a Blogger and a Web Content Writer. She's a landscape photographer and a travel aficionado who loves traveling to the great Himalayas.

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