Excel Features and Browser Plugins Every Tester Must Know

Posted By : Sakshi Dewan Gandhi | 27-Dec-2017

Excel Features:


1.Freeze Row, Coloumn:


Steps for Freeze Coloum/Row

1.Select the Row and the Coloumn which is required to be Freezed.

2.Click on View in the Menu bar.

3.Select the option Freeze for 1/2 row or 1/2 coloumn.




Steps: 1.Select the area in the sheet where filtern eeds to be applied.

2.Click on “Data” in the Menu Bar.

3.Filter icon appears on the coloum headings in the sheets.

4.Click on the Filter Icon and check the options from the checklist which you want to see in the data.





1.Click on the “Data” option in the menu bar.

2.Click on Sorting A-Z or Z-A.


4.Data Validation


This is a very interesting feature, with the help of Data Validation we can specify the cell value range, number, text etc.


1.Click on “Data” from the menu bar.

2.Select “Data Validation”.

3.Select the Cell Range as to where the validation need to be applied.

4.Select the Criteria as List from rance, List of Items etc. Here we need to define the values to be present in the dropdown in the cell.

5.Select any radio button for “On Invalid Data:” Show warning or Reject Input.

6.Show validation help text. Enter the text.


5.Conditional Formating



1.Click on “format” from the menu bar.

2.Select option “Conditional Formating”.

3.Fill the Option the the right hand corner pop-up. a.Apply to range. b.Format Cell if:..Select the Condition. c.Select the color to be used for filling the cell.

4.Select “Add another rule.” if you want to add multiple rule or click on Done.





1.User Agent Switcher/Chrome UA Spoofer.


With the help of this plugin we can switch to any of the following views of our application:





e.Windows Phone




And their all popular versions.


2.HOLA Plugin


With the help of this Plugin we can view our application having different country currencies, Just by selecting the country from the plugin.


3.Awesome Screenshot.


This Plugin as the name suggest is for Screenshot capturing and editing it in very useful ways such as: taking desktop view, capturing a particular portion of the screenshot.


4.Screencastify/Simple Recorder/FastoneCapture


This Plugin is used for getting the screen and the steps performed on it captured in the most simple way as possible. The files are saved as mkv formats.


Simple Recorder:


This is an application which can be installed for Ubantu.



This is an application for Windows machine.


5.Bug Magnet


This Plugin is a very useful plugin as it gives you the “test data” ready before hand to use at the run time.


6.What Font


This Plugin is used for knowing the font of the text on the application page by just hovering over it. So, with this plugin we can just get to know if too many font types are used on the web page and if they are affecting the GUI of the page.

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About Author

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Sakshi Dewan Gandhi

Sakshi has experience into Testing, which comprises of Functional, Performance and End-to end-System Testing. She has worked in various domains like: Telecom, E-Commerce, E-Learning and Language Translation.

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