Drag And Drop In Angular 2

Posted By : Damandeep Singh | 20-Mar-2018

What happens when you are working with Angular 2+  and you want to add a functionality of Drag and Drop file Upload. I found several Solutions to this problem, and many seem a bit intimidation for a beginner While tackling this problem I found a plugin named fileDroppa provided by npm.

Here is a single basic command to add fileDroppa to your Project

i.e, npm install ng-fileDroppa --save

Using this Command the Package name will be automatically added to our Package.json or in Node_Modules 

Now Import the package  into an app.module file

Here is the basic Syntax of fileDroppa

<fileDroppa         [url]="''"

Here is the brief of Required Parameters in fileDroppa

  • URL: it is required to make Post Request
  • AutoUpload: If it is True files will be automatically uploaded once Selected or Dropped
  • ShowFilesList: If False files will be hidden
  • BeforeRequest: callback which is called before File will be posted to a server. Good chance to set request header or update XHR request
  • BeforeFileUpload: callback which is
  • the called before the specific file is uploaded, called with a formData object.
  • BeforeAddFile: callback which is called once you drop or select file and before a file is added to fileDroppa file store. It can be used to validate file for example by its type or size.
    • Multiple : If True set multiple attribute of hidden file file tag.Default True.
        • FilesUpdated : Callback which will be fired once when files are updated.
                • FileUploaded : Callback which will be fired once when file uploaded Successfully.

About Author

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Damandeep Singh

Damandeep Singh is a Front-end Developer having Good knowledge of HTML, CSS3/CSS, Bootstrap, Angular, Ionic. He likes to listen to Music in Free time.

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