Diving Into The World Of Deep Writing

Posted By : Paras Jain | 28-Dec-2017

The age has dawned on us when humans used to write articles. With the continuous improvements into the world of Artificial Intelligence, we have come upon the time when machines are writing for us. Many firms such as The Associated Press,  Fox, and Yahoo are using AI to write form them by just providing facts and figures.

Let's understand the mystery behind what is deep writing and how does it work?

A typical deep writing process involves the following steps :

  1. We give a certain set of text as an input to a machine.

  2. The machine then identifies all the unique inputs from the above sample texts.

  3. Now by using Deep learning, the machine identifies and groups all words based on certain criteria such as how often they appear, at what part they appear also by some predefined mathematical model.
    Deep learning differs from standard learning in a way that it involves methods based on learning data representation rather than task-specific algorithms.

  4. We pick a starting word.

  5. Now from the given pool of words that the machine learned in step 3, it predicts a word from the learner pool and starts predicting the next from the previous one.

  6. It stops when we ask it, usually when we feel like a story has been formed.


With this advancement in technology, there are certain areas that can be tapped such as in education as well a literature just by applying certain rules we can create literally many stories by using one set of inputs.

Although in the initial stages with some limited capabilities with many firms moving to machines, the Skynet is not far away. Soon we will be able to see a majority of a string of articles being written by the bots using this deep learning technique, all just humans will be required to train the bots on the basis of certain criterions they wish to achieve.


About Author

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Paras Jain

Technical Lead with wide experience in developing industry grade applications in Spring Framework, Spring Boot and Grails. When he is not programming he can be found at some mountain reading a book or some club chilling with friends.

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