Data Manipulation methods of DataSet In Vis Js

Posted By : Manisha Kirodiwal | 30-May-2018

Vis.js contains a dataset that we can use to manipulate and hold the unstructured data and listen for the changes done on the data. DataSet is key / value-based JSON object.Using some methods we can perform some operations on data sets. Data elements can be added, updated and removed from DataSet, and we also can subscribe to changes in DataSet.


Data Manipulation


We can manipulate data in the DataSet using methods add, update and remove. The DataSet can be set to blank using the clear method.


// create a DataSet
var data = new vis.DataSet();

// add items
 {id: 1, text: 'item 1'},
 {id: 2, text: 'item 2'},
 {id: 3, text: 'item 3'}

// update an item
data.update({id: 2, text: 'item 2 (updated)'});

// remove an item



Using Add method we can add a data item/an array of items.




var addIds = DataSet.add(data [, senderId])


The data argument can contain:


A single Object containing an item which we want to be added. The item should contain an id.

An Array which contains a list of items which we want to be added. Each item should contain an id.


When all the items are added to the DataSet after that DataSet triggers an event add. When we provide a senderId, this senderId will be sent with the triggered event to all the subscribers.


When an item with the duplicate id as any of the added items already exists then this method will throw an error.




Using Update method we can update a data item/an array of items.




var updatedIds = DataSet.update(data [, senderId])


The data argument can contain:


A single Object containing an item which we want to be added. The item should contain an id.

An Array which contains a list of items which we want to be added. Each item should contain an id.


These provided properties will be merged into the current item. But if the targeted item does not exist in the list then new will be created.


When all the items are updated to the DataSet after that DataSet triggers an event update. When we provide a senderId, this senderId will be sent with the triggered event to all the subscribers.




Using Remove method we can delete a data item/an array of items.



var removedIds = DataSet.remove(id [, senderId])


The argument id can be:


A number or string containing the identifier for a single item to be removed.

A single Object containing an item which we want to be deleted. The item should contain an id.

An Array which contains a list of items which we want to be added. Each item should contain an id.


When the items are removed from the DataSet, after that DataSet triggers an event remove. When we provide a senderId, this senderId will be sent with the triggered event to all the subscribers.




Using Clear method we can delete/clear all the DataSet.



var removedIds = DataSet.clear([senderId])


When the items are removed from the DataSet, after that DataSet triggers an event remove for all removed items. When we provide a senderId, this senderId will be sent with the triggered event to all the subscribers.


About Author

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Manisha Kirodiwal

Manisha is a Web Application developer and she is good in working with Angular, TypeScript , JavaScript and Jquery. In free time she loves to dance and cooking.

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