Copying Files Using Scp Utility On Linux

Posted By : Mohit Shakya | 31-Dec-2017

In this blog, we'll learn how to copy a remote server file using scp to another server/local system.

* You should have installed 'OpenSSH-server' on the target machine.
* machine should be on the same network

-> To copy a single file ( let say '/home/sysAdmin/xyz.log' to target machine's home location with ip and user are '' (in case of VPN network it'll be machine's VPN ip) and 'max' respectively)

[ when it's not required to specify credential file. ]

$ scp /home/sysAdmin/xyz.log [email protected]:~/

[ when it's not required to specify credential file. ]

$ scp -i <credential/pem_file> /home/sysAdmin/xyz.log [email protected]:~/



-> Now to copy an entire directory ( let say directory : /home/sysAdmin/tempDir )

[ when it's not required to specify credential file. ]

$ scp -r /home/sysAdmin/tempDir [email protected]:~/


[ when it's not required to specify credential file. ]

$ scp -i <credential/pem_file> -r /home/sysAdmin/tempDir [email protected]:~/


In the above steps, may be you'll be asked for target machine's password, please provide that.

That's all. I hope, this will be useful in  some way.


About Author

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Mohit Shakya

Mohit has worked in groovy and grails, filesystems, ffmpeg. Mohit likes to be adventurous, likes music, solving puzzles, playing chess, and basketball.

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