Brief description about negative testing

Posted By : Aarushi Sharma | 29-Jul-2018

Negative testing is the operation of applying as much as creativity as possible and validating the data against invalid data. It is basically done to verify that correct error messages are shown to the user where it supposed to.
Negative testing not only proposes to bring out any possible faults that could have a severe impact on the uptake of the product on the whole but can be instrumental in setting the conditions under which the application can crash. In the end, it sees to it that there is a sufficient error validation present in the software.

Is Negative Testing important:
Organisation Perspective:
It is the responsibility of any organisation to give good quality software to its client. For this, they have to do negative testing.
No one can build 100% error free software but one has to make sure that every possible action has been taken to prevent failure.
Consider testers have done only positive testing on any site and everything is working fine. But if there is some loophole in the application that someone has does SQL Injection and erase all the data, which is a security breach. This can be prevented through negative testing.
Client Perspective:
Customers always expect zero vulnerability products, in a lodge to assure that negative testing is a must. If it a sensitive application like e-commerce than negative testing and security testing is the must.

Pros and Cons of Negative testing:
1. Negative testing is very important to ensure the good quality product.
2. Doing negative testing, it makes sure that all the possible cases are covered

1. Negative testing in some cases can become waste of time and energy. In some case, there is no need for doing excessive testing.
2. There can be a chance that tester spends more time and energy while doing negative testing which results in lower concentration on positive testing.

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Aarushi Sharma

Aarushi is a bright QA engineer with experience in manual testing. Apart from that she loves to dance.

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