Brief Description About Test Case And Test Scenario

Posted By : Aarushi Sharma | 28-Sep-2018

Test Scenario
The test scenario is a top-level documentation of a use case. Scenario testing is performed to ensure the end-to-end of software programs. In this kind of testing, testers receive help from clients, stakeholders, and developers to create test scenarios that ensure that all software business process flows work well.
Test scripts assess the performance and functionality of the system as a whole, from the user's point of view. Testers in this type of test put themselves in user's shoes and determine real-world scenarios or use cases as the software you will encounter when it is released.
Why use a test scenario:
1. They help to prove that the software is working accurately for any use.
2. They are vital for evaluating end-of-end functionality at the end of the software.
3. They help find discrepancies in software that can deteriorate the quality of the software.
4. They also help reduce the efforts required to repeat the same feature again and again with different testing techniques

Test Case
A test case is a set of conditions or variables that help determine whether the test software meets the requirements and works properly or not. A case test is a single executable test that instructs the tester to perform a series of steps to complete the test. A test case contains step-by-step instructions to verify that the software functions as required to function.

The relation between the test case and test scenario:
A test case contains a description of a number of steps that need to be executed by a tester in an attempt to validate a scenario. A test scenario normally contains numerous test cases that contain details on how to test the scenario. A test case consists of prerequisites, inputs, and prerequisites along with the expected results and post-test conditions. Testing scenarios are derived from user histories, while test cases are derived from test scenarios.

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Aarushi Sharma

Aarushi is a bright QA engineer with experience in manual testing. Apart from that she loves to dance.

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