Basic Details Requirement Related to the Embark Framework

Posted By : Sonali Gupta | 18-Jun-2018

What is Embark Framework?

Embark Framework is a fast, and powerful to develop and deploy the Decentralized Applications (Dapps) for ethereum blockchain.

This framework integrated with the blockchain (Ethereum), Decentralized communication platform (Whisper and Orbit), and Decentralized Storage (IPFS). Swarm is supported for deployment of the respective blockchain.


Blockchain (Ethereum)


  • Automatically deploy contracts in blockchain and mark it available in the JS code. Embark framework will check the changes, and then developer's will update a contract, then Embark will automatically re-deploy all the contracts (if needed) in decentralized App

  • Test the Driven Development along with the Contracts using Javascript.

  • Keep all the tracks for the deployed contracts; deploy only when needed.

  • Manage different chains it will be like (e.g testnet, private net, livenet)

  • Manage complex systems of inter-dependent contracts.

Decentralized Storage (IPFS)

  • Store & Retrieve Data on the DApp through EmbarkJS.

  • Deploy the full decentralized application of IPFS.

Decentralized Communication (Whisper, Orbit)

  • Easily send/receive messages through Whisper or Orbit in p2p channel.



Installation of Embark is very easy. However, the test engineer needs to follow some steps for its proper installation:

After installing nodejs you can install embark on linux terminal:


$npm install -g embark


Ethereum Support for Embark installation


If you want to use Embark with Ethereum to run a node (with the help of embark blockchain command), then you need to install Go-Ethrereum 1.6.7 or higher.


On macOS:


$ brew tap ethereum/ethereum
$ brew install ethereum


On linux:


$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ethereum


Apart from this, you can also install a counterfeit as testrpc:


$ npm -g install ethereumjs-testrpc


With IPFS Support

To use IPFS, firstly install a IPFS node then run it. There should be two availabilities, go-ipfs and js-ipfs.




Once you have installed and setup, you also need to make sure the headers are setup properly for your requirement.


ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin"[\"\"]"
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"[\"true\"]"
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods"[\"PUT\", \"POST\", \"GET\"]"


You can also launch it with the: ipfs daemon –enable-pubsub-experiment




While it seems not the 100% parity with GO-IPFS, but still seems good enough for most of the cases. Use the below command


$ npm i -g ipfs

To launch you need to use jsipfs instead ipfs

About Author

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Sonali Gupta

Sonali is certified in manual testing and selenium web driver. She is a B.Tech through Electronics and Communication.

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