AngularJS and NodeJS for scalable and dynamic web apps

Posted By : Kiran Bisht | 20-Oct-2015

AngularJS and NodeJS for scalable and dynamic web apps



Websites have always been there, ever since the rise of Internet. HTML was the soul of these websites. Back in times, websites were developed to be static. Websites usually had several pages with little coding and design. As technology grew stronger and better, websites became dynamic. Nowadays almost every website on the Internet is dynamic. Websites have got this dynamic nature from CSS and JS. Last few years have been the years of innovation and growth. Multi-page websites are being replaced by single page websites and apps. With single page apps, JS, HTML, and CSS are served from a single page load.


AngularJS and NodeJS for scalable and dynamic web apps  


AngularJS and HTML5 have become quite famous for front-end development. AngularJS is developed and maintained by Google. It works as an extension to HTML by adding dynamic capabilities to it. It helps to manipulate Document Object Model while distinguishing the client from that of the server. This happens by data binding by two methods: updating view when model changes and updating model when view changes. AngularJS has an extremely powerful feature that is the directives that help create reusable components. It offers deep linking which users can use to bookmark. Rest of the components are AngularJS scope, routes, services, modules, controller, and filters. The language is both testable and injectable which makes it easy to conduct enterprise level testing. Node.JS which is used to design scalable network apps can help AngularJS apps run on the server.



JS node is a cross platform app that runs on the server same as PHP. The benefit is that, it is a non-blocking language unlike PHP. It’s efficient and lightweight which makes it a preferred choice for real time apps that are data intensive. Not like conventional methods, JS node works on a single thread eliminating the usage of RAM. It facilitates thousands of simultaneous connections through non-blocking output/input calls. Although, using the computing language for central processing unit intensive apps will prevent its advantages because it uses a single thread. One more benefit of Node.JS is it has a built-in support for tools like NPM which can be used for package management. The most popular NPM modules used with Angular JS and JS node are Express and Mongo.


About Author

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Kiran Bisht

Kiran Bisht is a Blogger and a Web Content Writer. She's a landscape photographer and a travel aficionado who loves traveling to the great Himalayas.

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