An Insight Into JSON And How Its working

Posted By : Vinay Tiwari | 29-Apr-2018
This blog explains us, What is JSON. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. JSON is a lightweight data interchange format. JSON is an easier to use alternative to XML.
Creating and accessing data from a JSON object
	//creating a JSON object
		var employeeJSON = {
			"firstName": "Tode",
			"lastName": "Baker",
			"gender": "Male",
			"salary": 50000
		var result = '';
		result+= 'First Name = ' +employeeJSON.firstName + '
		result+= 'Last Name = ' +employeeJSON.lastName + '
		result+= 'Gender = ' +employeeJSON.gender + '
		result+= 'Salary = ' +employeeJSON.salary + '
HTML code:-

Here is the result:-
First Name = Tode
Last Name = Baker
Gender = Male
Salary = 50000
Here is explaination of JSON object
1). employeeJSON is a JSON object
2). include the "name":"value" pairs, separated by commas in the curly braces
3). separate the name and value of a property by using a colon(:)
4). declare any number of properties
Property names are used to read the JSON object
var firstName = employeeJSON.firstName;
JSON Arrays: JSON arrays are used when you would like to store more than 1 employee data in the JSON object.
To create a JSON array
1). Wrap the objects in square brackets 
2). Each object must be separated by the comma 
Let's look at an example:-
var employeeJSON = [
		"firstName": "Tode",
		"lastName": "Baker",
		"gender": "Male",
		"salary": 50000
		"firstName": "Saransh",
		"lastName": "Grover",
		"gender": "Female",
		"salary": 40000
Reading from a JSON array:
var result = employeeJSON[0].lastName // result is Grover
Nested JSON object: With the help of nested JSON object we have store multiple employees data in the JSON object by nesting them 
let's look at an example:- 
var employeeJSON = {
	"Todd": {
		"firstName": "Tode",
		"lastName": "Baker",
		"gender": "Male",
		"salary": 50000
	"Sara": {
		"firstName": "Saransh",
		"lastName": "Grover",
		"gender": "Female",
		"salary": 40000
Retrieves the gender of employee Tode
var result = employeeJSON.Tode.gender;



About Author

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Vinay Tiwari

Vinay is a bright UI developer, having knowledge of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jquery and AngularJs. His hobbies are interacting with people, listening music etc.

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