AFrame for creating VR websites

Posted By : Arun Kataria | 07-Nov-2017

WebVR was a open standard which would bring Virtual Reality to a browser and currently support by all the main VR platforms, both desktop as well as mobile.


Mozilla was the first browser maker to dip its toes into the burgeoning virtual reality market.The A-Frame technology is designed to be cross-platform, working on desktop and mobile hardware - though its developers are currently having trouble with the Android build. A-Frame offers a means for web developers to quickly create virtual reality content using familiar markup language.

A-Frame, an open-source framework that uses HTML5 instead of WebGL. This means A-Frame is compatible across iPhones, Google Cardboard devices, the Oculus Rift DK2, and Android support. WebVR is a Web Standard which allows the use of VR devices from the browser.

By learning the A-Frame you will be able to create the simple VR websites for the different application such as health, tourism, training, and Real Estate.


Healthcare and education are two of the big use cases I'm seeing outside of the gaming space. Architecture and real estate is another space that is seeing traction. Right now a lot of energy is going into improving how people work with 3D tooling (engines, 3D modeling and formats, etc) but I can say concretely that I see quite a few non-gaming projects and companies working in a number of verticals with VR.

Unfortunately, the tools and resources to build in VR can be incredibly expensive and time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be. Thanks to A-Frame, a simple, free and easy programming language, users can create and publish VR worlds in their browser no matter their tech skills or budget.


A-Painter: Paint in VR in the browser.



1) Eyeglasses: VR Made Simple: Just use in <script> tag and <a-scene>. A-Frame will handle the  VR setup, default controls and 3D boilerplate. Nothing would be install.


2) heart: Declarative HTML: HTML was easy to understand, read, and copy-and-paste. It is on top the HTML, A-Frame was accessible for everyone: web developers, designers, educators, artists, VR enthusiasts, and kids.


3) electric_plug: Entity-Component Architecture: A-Frame is a powerful - three.js framework, providing a declarative, reusable, entity-component structure and composable. Developers have unlimited access to DOM APIs, JavaScript, WebGL, three.js, and WebVR.


4) zap: Performance: A-Frame is optimiz from ground up for the WebVR. A-Frame uses the Document Object Model, its element don not touch browser layout engine. The 3D objects updates will all done in the memory with the little overheads under a single request call. 


5) hammer: Tool Agnostic: Since Web was built on notion of the HTML, A-Frame was compatible with the most libraries, The frameworks, and tools including Ember.js, Preact, React, jQuery, d3.js, Vue.js.



1) Registry: Take a powerful components that the developers have to publish and plug them in a straight from the HTML. Similar to a Unity Asset Store, A-Frame Registry collect and curate these components for the easy discovery.


2) runner: Components: Hit ground running with the A-Frame’s core components such as models, lights,  geometries, animations, raycasters materials, shadows, positional text, audio, and Cardboard controls.


About Author

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Arun Kataria

Arun has good skills in AngularJS, NodeJS, MongoDB and many more. He is highly motivated which allow him to strive for proficiency when accomplishing assigned duties. He is an excellent team operative.

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