A Compact Guide to Destructuring in ES6

Posted By : Dinesh Kumar | 05-Nov-2018

Destructuring is a method for removing esteems into factors from information put away in objects and arrays. 

Use of Destructuring: 

1. Object Destructuring 

2. Array Destructuring 

3. Function Parameter Destructuring 

1. Object Destructuring: 

How about we envision we have an object like so: 

const obj = {first: 'Asim', last: 'Hussain', age: 39 };

We need to remove the first and last properties into nearby factors before ES6 we would need to compose something like this: 

const f = obj.first;
const l = obj.last;
console.log(f); // Asim
console.log(l); // Hussain

With destructing we can do as such in one line, as so: 

const {first: f, last: l} = obj;
console.log(f); // Asim
console.log(l); // Hussain

{first: f, last: l} depicts an example, an arrangement of guidelines for how we need to destructure an object. 


const {first: f} = obj; means remove the property first and store in a constant called f. 

On the off chance that we needed to extricate the properties into factors with a similar name we would compose it like so: 

const {first: first, last: last} = obj;
console.log(first); // Asim
console.log(last); // Hussain

The above is a significant basic utilize case for destructuring so it has an easy route, as so 

// {prop} is short for {prop: prop}
const {first, last} = obj;
console.log(first); // Asim
console.log(last); // Hussain

2. Array Destructuring: 

Array destructuring works likewise with the exception of it separates based on the file in the array, as so: 

const arr = ['a', 'b'];
const [x, y] = arr;
console.log(x); // a
console.log(y); // b

3. Function Parameter Destructuring: 

One extremely valuable utilize case for destructuring is in function parameters. 

Regularly on the off chance that we need to pass numerous params to a function, with perhaps some discretionary parameters, we would pass it in as an object like so: 

function f(options) {
f({x:1}); // 1

Presently we can characterize the function parameter list as an object destructure design, as so: 

function f({x}) {
  console.log(x); // Refer to x directly

Notice that in the function body above we can allude to x specifically, we don't need to allude to it through an object property like options.x. 

Notwithstanding that when utilizing destructured function parameters we can likewise give default esteems, as so: 

function f({x=0}) {
f({}); // 0

In the above model x presently has a default estimation of 0 regardless of whether it's not passed into the function when called. 


Destructuring is a helpful element of ES6, with it we can separate qualities from objects and arrays easily. 

Through function, parameter destructing we currently have a worked in punctuation for giving discretionary parameters to functions, including giving them default esteems if none are given. 


'use strict';

// use of Object Destructuring
const obj = {first1: 'Dinesh', last1: 'Gupta', age: 25};

function getTestDest() {
  return obj;

const {first1, last1} = getTestDest();


// Array Destructuring
const arrTest = ['x', 'y'];
const [a, b] = arrTest;

// Function Parameter Destructuring
function funParam({xyz = 1}) {

About Author

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Dinesh Kumar

Dinesh Kumar is an experienced with knowledge of Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Java, Javascript, JQuery, AngularJs, and SQL.

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