Types Of Algorithm Used In Machine Learning

Posted By : Amit Kumar Gupta | 30-Jun-2017

I guess everyone heard about machine learning. Let's see what is machine learning and where is it used.

According to Arthur Samuel machine learning is a field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Basically Machine learning is a concept.In Machine learning we construct algorithm such a way machine learn from environment. Machine is said to learn from experience E with respect to perform several task learn from experience. Machine improve with experience E.It is basically used in pattern recognition, biometric identification, Optical Chararcter Recognition. Today machine learning mostly used in Big data. It analyse the large amount of data and forecasting on the basis of data. Facebook's News Feed uses machine learnin, Youtube's recommendation video use machine learning. Simply It is using stastical and predictive analysis to identify patterns.

Several Machine Learning algorithms are-

1)Supervised learning- It is like teacher assign some task and machine give desired output on the basis of performing several task. From the name of this learning we interprate machine perform task under supervision.It is mainly use in that cases where property is available for fixed data set. Missing data or result is predict on the basis of given fixed data set.

2)Unsupervised Learnig-It is used in that data set where unlabeled dataset is given. In models are created or unknown are interested in there are no other attributes: there is no distinction between explanatory and dependent variables. The models are created to find out the intrinsic structure of data. Eg:

Association rules

Cluster analysis

3)Reinforced Learning- A computer program interacts with a dynamic environment in which it must perform a certain goal (For example- Computer palying chess). The program is provided feedback in terms of rewards and punishments as it navigates its problem space.

Some common algorithm which are used in machine learning.

1)Linear Regression

2)K Means Clustering Algorithm

3)Naive Baiyes Classifier Algorithm

About Author

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Amit Kumar Gupta

Amit is a bright Web App Developer, and has good knowledge of Java,Machine Learning, Python, Algorithm. His hobbies are playing badminton and reading novel.

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