Setting up authentication for MongoDB on Ubuntu

Posted By : Akash Sharma | 08-Feb-2014

In this blog I am going to share the details of how to authenticate mongodb while logging to database in ubuntu environment.

Before going further I assume that you have already setup mongodb on your ubuntu machine.If not, you can follow this link


To make mongodb as authenticated login, we have to configure parameter auth=true in /etc/mongodb.conf file.

Before making this configuration, we have to create a user with required role that can easily login in authenticated development environment and do required operations.

For getting information about all the roles of a user follow this link

The two important roles for a user are userAdmin and userAdminAnyDatabase .

The userAdmin role is a database-specific privilege, and only grants a user the ability to administer users on a single database.

userAdminAnyDatabase provides users with the same access to user administration operations as userAdmin, except it applies to all logical databases in the MongoDB environment.


In this blog I have taken

database name = myDB

username = myUsername

password = myPassword


First you have to add a user with required privileges.If you have already a database with some user credentials then your own username and password.

Open a terminal and hit following commands:

>db = db.getSiblingDB('admin')
>db.addUser( { user: "myUsername",pwd: "myPassword",roles: [ "userAdminAnyDatabase" ] } )


If you have already created a database before, then do not need to hit following commands.

>use myDB
switched to db myDB
       "_id" : ObjectId("51e39ba329e0772d7de869be"),
       "user" : "myUsername",
       "readOnly" : false,
       "pwd" : "60c55b23692da72cf223712b8bfd614f"


Now you need to stop the mongodb service.

sudo service mongodb stop


Now add or uncomment following line from /etc/mongodb.conf file



Now restart mongodb service

sudo service mongodb start


Now try to login into database

mongo -u myUsername -p myPassword localhost/myDB


For more information on authenticated login follow these two links: link1 link2




About Author

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Akash Sharma

Akash is a bright Groovy and Grails developer and have worked on development of various SaaS applications using Grails technologies. Akash loves playing Cricket and Tennis

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