Protocol bound call in Grails

Posted By : Ashish Sharma | 05-Feb-2014

Protocol Bound Call in Grails

There are two ways in which we can bind our actions to a particular protocol

  • First one is to bind the actions to protocol in the declaration, in the controller

    			class UserController {
    				static allowedMethods = [createUser: "POST",
    					editUser: "PUT",
    					deleteUser: "DELETE",
    					getUser: "GET"]
    				def createUser(){
  • Second one is to bind the actions to protocol in the UrlMapping

    			class UrlMappings {
    				static mappings = {
    					"/user/$id(.${format})"(controller:"user", parseRequest:true){
    						action = [DELETE:"deleteUser", GET:"getUser", PUT:"editUser"]
    					"/user(.${format})"(controller:"user", parseRequest:true){
    						action = [POST: "createUser"]

About Author

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Ashish Sharma

Ashish is a bright Groovy and Grails developer and have worked on development of various SaaS applications using Grails technologies. Ashish likes PC games and works out at Gym in his free time.

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