Performance via CSS

Posted By : Vinay Tiwari | 27-Jun-2017

In this article explain us how to increase your site’s performance with use of CSS (Cascading Style Sheet). CSS, or cascading style sheets, can be used to styling our HTML content which we can make our document clean and professional.

We can make our front-end much more better by using the CSS keys.


Many tips to improve Web Performance


1) Responsive Design

Use of media-query in CSS we can make our site's user friendly.


2) Optimize our images 

Large high-resolution images on our site can slow the speed of the rendering process. With the help of CSS we can optimize our images and improve our site's fornt-end performance. 


3) CSS save our time to replicate same properties 

In this case we can use the same code at multiple times & CSS gives lots of flexibility,so this mechanism prevent to waste our time to write same code in different location. 


4) Superior Style by CSS than HTML element

Without CSS we can also style our template using HTML element, but it has limited scope that compare to the css html has only few numbers of element to style,that's why we prefer css for styling compare to HTML.


5) Multiple device support 

CSS provide us a great feature called @media-query, with the help of this feature we can make our design portable or supported for multiple devices such as computer screen, cell phones, tablets, etc.


6) Pages load faster 

If you want to share formatting css enables the multiple pages and it also reduce the complexity and repetition in the structural content. It is very important to reduce file transfer size and it will turn into result as faster page loading.




About Author

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Vinay Tiwari

Vinay is a bright UI developer, having knowledge of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jquery and AngularJs. His hobbies are interacting with people, listening music etc.

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