Native vs HTML5 hybrid mobile apps

Posted By : Kiran Bisht | 02-Dec-2015



Customer experience for mobile is very important. Before we get deeper into the world of Hybrid vs Native Apps, there is a major aspect of mobile that you shouldn’t forget. Mobiles phones are personal devices; they are with you all the time. So it has to be responsive, reliable, and fast.


No user has time for bad user experiences, if you app makes thing tough for them, they won’t hesitate to uninstall it.  




A quick overview of Native and Hybrid apps


A native app is a smartphone app created particularly for a mobile OS. It has the advantage of faster performance and it also feels right, for the app is developed in a mature ecosystem following guidelines.


Hybrid apps are, at core, web packaged into a native sheet. A hybrid apps is a web app created using HTML5 and JS, covered in a native container. The performance of the app and the user experience vary based on the chosen development framework.


Even the supports of hybrid apps are convinced to admit that native apps win the challenge in terms of performance. A native app is quick, reliable by its design. As users navigate a native mobile app, the visual element, content, structure are already on their device, which are available for instant loading making the experience smooth.



Native vs Hybrid


There are evident and noticeable benefits and loss of both hybrid and native approaches. Once source code, easy upadates, resources availability, lower cost etc make hybrid apps quite attractive.


Furthermore, native apps have the added benefit of functions that are restricted to the OS on which apps are created. The approach also offers incredible security for your mobile app, access to all native APIs, the finest performance, and responsive UI.


Summing Up


Hybrid or Native, each approach has its advantages and disadvantages, but at the end, native approach is the best in the long run. There’s no need to go with a specific plan just because everybody’s saying that. Compare your requirements, budget, and find the right fit.






About Author

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Kiran Bisht

Kiran Bisht is a Blogger and a Web Content Writer. She's a landscape photographer and a travel aficionado who loves traveling to the great Himalayas.

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