Methods that are used for Web Application Testing

Posted By : Nidhi Sharma | 28-Aug-2014

Methods for Web App Testing

I had a good experience of testing a web based application. When i started working on the project i got to know about different types of testing that can be performed for testing the web application.


The first thing that i tested for the application was its functionality after that i did compatibility, integration, security, usability and performance testing.

Methods that are commonly used for Web Application Testing:


1) Functionality testing:


It is related to the functionality of the application like, calculation,validation links and navigation should be proper.This testing is used for checking all the links of the web pages,form and cookie testing. It is more important because it always verifies that your system is fixed for release.For example in my project i tested the upload functionality of the application i.e. whether the user is able to upload the video or not.



2) Performance Testing:


The performance of the Web-Based application should also be validated properly. It should be load tested and stress tested properly

Load testing technique checks if many users can access the same page at the same time and whether a web page can handle heavy load on any specific page.

Stress testing is done on the site to see that how will the site react and recover during the stress time.

For example i have tested the application by uploading multiple videos or transcoding multiple videos at the same time.


3) Compatibility Testing:


Compatibility Testing  checks browser compatibility and operating system compatibility

Web based applications should be tested on different browsers to make sure that the application behavior is consistent on all the browsers. Eg  i did the compatibility testing by checking the functionality or UI of the application in different browsers eg firefox and chrome.

Sometimes application behaves differently in different types of browsers. I was able to find some bugs related to functionality as well as of UI in firefox that were not in chrome or vise-versa.


4) Usability Testing:


This testing checks the navigation and user friendliness of the web pages.

Through this testing it is ensured whether the content is easily understandable to the users.

Testers should also focus on the ease of use of the application ,the appearance of the pages and the navigation should be user friendly. By looking at the name of the buttons or pages user should be able to get the purpose of the page. For eg Upload button indicates the user that this button is used for uploading videos .

User should be able to understand the success or failure messages that appears throughout the application.


5) Security Testing:


The security of Web-Based application should be properly validated by the tester.

The authorization and access control of the application should be properly tested.

Internal pages should not open if you are not logged into the website for security purposes.

6) Integration Testing:

The integration between browsers and server, hardware and software, applications and data should be validated by the tester.This ensures that users do not see error messages


After completing all web based application testing it is important to check whether the application is compatible to iphones, android phones or desktop.Security controls should be validated properly.







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Nidhi Sharma

Nidhi is a bright QA engineer with skills in testing mobile and web applications.

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