Making customize voice call using twilio api in grails or java application

Posted By : Shakil Pathan | 29-Jun-2015


In this blog, I am going to explain you about making customize voice calls via twilio api in your java/grails application.
Twilio is a third party paid service for making sms and voice calls from your application. I have explained how to send sms from your application in one of my previous blog. Now, I am going to explain you about how to make customize voice calls from your java application and the difficulties that I have faced in my project.

For using twilio we have to just include the client api(jar) which you can download from twilio website.

Blow is the code that I have used:

 import com.twilio.sdk.TwilioRestClient
import com.twilio.sdk.resource.factory.CallFactory
import com.twilio.sdk.resource.instance.Call

String serverURL = url		// Your server url
int callLoop = 3		// Number of repeat the message
String callVoice = 'man'	// Call voice 'man' or 'woman'
String verificationCode = '1234'	// Code in voice
String language = 'en'		// Voice language
String mobileMessage = URLEncoder.encode("Your verification code is " + verificationCode.toString().toList() + ". Please verify your number.")
String completeURL = serverURL + "/twilio?lang="+ language + "&voice=" + callVoice + "&loop=" + callLoop + "&message=" + mobileMessage
String fromNumber = '(000) 000-0000'	// Your twilio number
String ACCOUNTSID = accountId		// Your twilio account id
String AUTHTOKEN = authToken		// Your twilio auth token
TwilioRestClient client = new TwilioRestClient(ACCOUNTSID, AUTHTOKEN)
CallFactory callFactory = client.getAccount().getCallFactory();
Map param = new HashMap();
param.put("From", fromNumber);
param.put("To", toNumber);
param.put("Url", completeURL);
try {
	Call calls = callFactory.create(param);
	println("call sid " + calls.getSid())
catch (TwilioRestException e) {
	println("problem in message sending is " + e.message)

In the above code I am using "completeURL" for passing to the twilio, which is used for fetching the customized xml by the twilio. Which is also important and written as:

	String xml = ''+params.message+''
	render(text: xml, contentType: "text/xml", encoding: "UTF-8")

This action is used for building the customized xml from your server url, which you have provided to the twilio.

Hope it helps!



About Author

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Shakil Pathan

Shakil is an experienced Groovy and Grails developer . He has also worked extensively on developing STB applications using NetGem .

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