Integration HighCharts in IOS App Using

Posted By : Vasu Saini | 16-Feb-2018

Charts and graphs are the most important components to integrate into apps, special where there is some rate of change of a quantity is going continuously. and when it comes to attractive app user interface it always comes to priority.

Highcharts is one of the one of the most popular libraries which is used in web applications for user attractive user interface, now it is good news for mobile developers that, highcharts released their beta development kit for iOS in Objective C  and soon they will release for android too.

Business benefits of Bitcoin


The above charts shown is Highchart and integrated in an iOS Application now let us know some steps how to integrate it in our iOS Application in Swift 4.

Step 1. Create project in which you required to integrate it.

Step 2. After Sucessfully creation close project and install the pod mentioned below

pod 'Highcharts'

Step 3. Now open your project and create a Bridging header and  name it as ProjectNameBridging-Header.h

Step 4. Now import highchart in this file as shown below
               #import <Highcharts/Highcharts.h>

Step 5. Now open your AppDelegate.swift and call method  in your didFinishLaunchingWithOption as show below

Step 6.   Now Take A view and set its class as HiChartView

Step 7. Now Design The ViewController Class as shown Below.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <Highcharts/Highcharts.h>

@interface ViewController ()


@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    HIChartView *chartView = [[HIChartView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
    HIOptions *options = [[HIOptions alloc]init];
    HIChart *chart = [[HIChart alloc]init];
    chart.type = @"pie";
    chart.options3d = [[HIOptions3d alloc]init];
    chart.options3d.enabled = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithBool:true];
    chart.options3d.alpha = @45;
    chart.options3d.beta = @0;
    HITitle *title = [[HITitle alloc]init];
    title.text = @"Browser market shares at a specific website, 2014";
    HITooltip *tooltip = [[HITooltip alloc]init];
    tooltip.pointFormat = @"{}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>";
    HIPlotOptions *plotoptions = [[HIPlotOptions alloc]init];
    plotoptions.pie = [[HIPie alloc]init];
    plotoptions.pie.allowPointSelect = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithBool:true];
    plotoptions.pie.cursor = @"pointer";
    plotoptions.pie.depth = @35;
    plotoptions.pie.dataLabels = [[HIDataLabels alloc]init];
    plotoptions.pie.dataLabels.enabled = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithBool:true];
    plotoptions.pie.dataLabels.format = @"{}";
    HIPie *pie = [[HIPie alloc]init]; = @"Browser share"; = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@[
                  @"name": @"Chrome",
                  @"y": @12.8,
                  @"sliced": @true,
                  @"selected": @true
                  ], nil];
    options.chart = chart;
    options.title = title;
    options.tooltip = tooltip;
    options.plotOptions = plotoptions;
    options.series = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: pie, nil];
    chartView.options = options;
    [self.view addSubview:chartView];



Step 8. All Done.

About Author

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Vasu Saini

Vasu Saini is Passionate to deploy ideas into real world, Have zeal to learn new technologies. working as iOS Developer in Oodles Technologies. Sports Freak, Calisthenics ,Parkour, Love to play football, swimmer, athletics etc

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