How To Works Transaction In ERP

Posted By : Vikash Patwal | 30-Nov-2017

This Blog is Help To Find How To Works Transaction In ERP


Different Types Of Transaction->



1)Quick Transaction->


This quick transaction creates a debit amount details and a credit amount details accounting transaction entry in the base currency of the organization. if the transaction is created after then it will be not posted.


2)Create Transaction->

This transaction will create a transaction. Enter the following fields. Transaction Type - select the transaction type like bank or finance charge. Description - enter brief description related transaction Transaction Date - enter the transaction created date. Scheduled Posting Date - if the transaction is posted another date than transaction automatically posted. Fiscal Type - Select the fiscal type of transaction like Actual or Budgeted.


3)Edit Transaction->

this transaction will allow editing only those transaction not yet posted.


4)Unposted Transactions->

This transaction allows you to view a list of unposted transactions details, and it will be displayed the basic transaction details.and also C Post button will allow you to post the transaction to the General Ledger.


5)View Transaction->

This transaction allowing you to view the all transaction details for a transaction that has already posted to the general ledger details. It will also be displayed the transaction, and a reverse button, which will be posted transaction details with identical details, but the opposite debit/credit flag.


6)Settle Payments->

These payments allowing you to settled undeposited receipt, payments, and refunds from credit cards details. used on Undeposited Receipt or the Settle link and will forward you to a quick deposit details screen with the pre-configured GL accounts details.


7)Select Account to Reconcile->

This reconciles tab allowing you to search for the account you would like to reconcile and enter following details. ex-As of date, Ending Balance.


8)Reconciled Account Balance->

This reconciles balance allowing you to reconcile all transactions detail and the last modified balance of GL account and different physical records or statements details you received. all process of reconciling its own account is that you will check all transactions in which all matching your details to calculate balance from the current balance and you will check off transactions match your all ending balance. Then you can mark the account reconciled.


9)Exchange Rates Screen->

This exchange rate allowing you to settle the exchange rate between two currencies. after that, It will display the exchange rate history details and also be allowing you to add and update specific exchange rates.


About Author

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Vikash Patwal

Vikash Patwal is Masters in Computer Applications and good in Java , he is hardworking team player.

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