Bugfender SDK for iOS

Posted By : Satish Phogat | 10-Apr-2017

Bugfender is a cloud service to collect mobile application logs.Log of your app  can be sent on remote.

Installing the SDK :

Manual Installation :

1. Take a clone of 'Bugfender SDK' for IOS from GitHub

2. Import 'BugfenderSDK.framework' file to your project .

3. Add 'SystemConfiguration.framework' and 'MobileCoreServices.framework' to path Project > Your Target > General > Linked Frameworks and Libraries .

4. Add below code to other linking flag in Linking .


Installing using Cocoapods :

1. Open terminal and give path of you project .Write "pod init" . It will create the pod file in your project .

2. Open pod file and write below line .

  pod 'BugfenderSDK' 

3. Run command "pod install" in terminal window.

4. I will automatically install bugfender sdk in you project 

You can use either way from manual or cocoapods installation to install bugfender sdk.

Finally import BugfenderSDK to your file where you want to implement

finally  import BugfenderSDK to your file where you want to implement.

Now, by using below line of code all logs can be printed on remote or dashboard of Bugfender.

Bugfender.log(lineNumber: "line number", method: "method name", file: "file name", level: BFLogLevel(rawValue: "level")!
, tag: "tag", message: "message")

Message will contain the content which you want to print on remote.

It has only these few line of code and can be used whenever required.



About Author

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Satish Phogat

Satish Phogat is IOS developer in Oodles Technologies. He is a good learner and Team Player.

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