Best practice to Upload file to the Server using AngularJS and NodeJS

Posted By : Rahul Sarkar | 10-Jun-2017

Here I am going to describe you the best practice to upload file to the server using Angular and Node JS.

First we have to create a input box in HTML to select the file.

Then we have to write code in angular to create the request to upload.

   var uploadUserFile = function(file) {
      var uploadFileUrl = "/api/v1/upload/;
      var uploadFile = Upload.upload({
         url: uploadFileUrl,
         file: file

Now set the router path to call the download function of backend'/api/v1/upload/', FileUploadController.saveFile);

Now create a controller in Node:

var UploadService = require("uploadService").UploadService; 
module.exports.CompanyPoliciesController = (function() {
    var saveFile = function(req, res) {
        UploadService.saveFile(req.files.file, res);
    return {
        saveFile: saveFile

Now create service method to upload your file to the server:

module.exports.UploadService = (function() {
    var uploadCompanyPolicyFileToServer = function(file, res) {
        var fs = require('fs');
        var path = require('path'); // to create a path seperator
        var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); // to create directory
        var uuid = require('node-uuid');
        var filePath = '/opt/userFiles/';

        mkdirp(filePath, function (err) {
            if (err) {
                configurationHolder.ResponseUtil.responseHandler(res, err, err.message, true, 400);
            } else {
                var target_path = filePath + file.originalFilename,
                tmp_path = file.path;
                var source = fs.createReadStream(tmp_path);
                var dest = fs.createWriteStream(target_path);
                source.on('end', function(err) {
                    if (err) {
                        configurationHolder.ResponseUtil.responseHandler(res, err, "failed to upload " +, true, 400);
                    } else {
                        configurationHolder.ResponseUtil.responseHandler(res, {}, File upload successfully, true, 400);
    return {
        saveFile: saveFile


Thank You !!!

About Author

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Rahul Sarkar

Rahul is an intellectual web app developer, he has good knowledge of C, Java, Java Script, Jquery. Apart from this he likes to travel and explore new places.

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