Apply Front End Pagination In Angular UI Select

Posted By : S. Ajit | 03-Oct-2016

Assume that their are 3000-4000 entries that you need to show with UI-select directive. Usually if you bind more than 500 entries in select box or UI-select the website will get stucked for some time if you click on the select box or UI-select , So how to solve this problem ?

Inorder to solve this problem you need two things:-

1. limitTo filter

2. A directive that alert controller that user has reached the bottom of list

Below writtten ui-select directive has no custom directive and limitTo filter . Here colleges is a array of JSON of length 7500 (in my project) . So every time when i refresh page  the list of colleges takes around 2 seconds load completely and when i click on ui-select directive it takes 15-20 sec to open options .So i end up with applying pagination in ui-select.


      <ui-select ng-model="education.clg" name="clg" theme="select2" append-to-body="true" sortable="true"  >
                  <ui-select-match placeholder="Select institution/university">{{$}}</ui-select-match>
                        <ui-select-choices repeat="college in colleges | propsFilter: {name: $} >
                                 <div ng-bind-html=" | highlight: $"></div>


Now add limitTo filter in "ui-select-choices"


       <ui-select-choices repeat="college in colleges | propsFilter: {name: $} >
                                 <div ng-bind-html=" | highlight: $" | limitTo:currentElement"></div>


Here currentElement denote the number of element that will be visible on selection.This will reduce data binding time for example if i assign  currentElement=20 it will bind 20 element to ui-select.

Now Create a directive that determine user has reached bottom of the list.


angular.module('app',[]).directive('scrollDetector', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            var raw = element[0];
            element.bind('scroll', function () {
                if (raw.scrollTop + raw.offsetHeight >= raw.scrollHeight) {
                  console.log("end of list");


Lets use the above directive in ui-select and add scroll-detector=loadMore() in directive


    <ui-select-choices repeat="college in colleges | propsFilter: {name: $} >
          <div ng-bind-html=" | highlight: $" | limitTo:currentElement" scroll-detector="loadMore()">     </div>


Now initialize currentElement in controller


Add loadMore() function in same controller




This will increment by 20 when user reach bottom of list. if you want to reset currrent element back to 20 if user click out side ui-select just use the below line to reset it back.


    var myDiv=angular.element(document.querySelector('#myDiv'));{
      // reset back to 20


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S. Ajit

Ajit is a software developer who loves solving problems and programming in C, C++, Java. He also has a passion to learn new technologies.

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