AngularJS copy to clipboard

Posted By : Udit Kaul | 13-Apr-2016

Places where you want to copy/cut elements of the textbox without using the standard Ctrl+C/Ctrl+X operations,ngclipboard comes to your rescue.




You could install it using npm by the following command

npm install ngclipboard --save

or you could install it via bower too here is the command,

bower install ngclipboard --save

or you could download it from github here is the link



First you need to include angularjs and clipboard.js in your document

<script src="//"></script>

<script src=""></script>

then include ngclipboard.js

<script src="dist/ngclipboard.min.js"></script>

now add ngclipboard dependency to your module

var myApp = angular.module('app', ['ngclipboard']);

and now finally add ngclipboard directive to the desired html element

<button class="btn" ngclipboard data-clipboard-text="hi this is ngclipboard text"> Copy to clipboard </button>


If you want to copy text from some other element you need to use clipboard data-clipboard-target intead of data-clipboard-text

<!-- Target -->

<input id="x" value="">

<!-- Trigger -->

<button class="btn" ngclipboard data-clipboard-target="#x"> </button>

Now if you want to cut instead of copy you can define data-clipboard-action attribute to specify if you want to cut or copy,but if you dont specify by default it would be taken as copy 

<!-- Target -->

<textarea id="bar">hi clipboard</textarea>

<!-- Trigger -->

<button class="btn" ngclipboard data-clipboard-action="cut" data-clipboard-target="#bar"> Cut to clipboard </button>

While using  data-clipboard-action="cut" attribute keep in mind that you can use the cut operation for <input> or <textarea> elements

So,there it is how to copy/cut without using standard Ctrl+C/Crtl+X in AngularJS



About Author

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Udit Kaul

Udit is a Bright Web App developer, he is OCJP ,OCWCD and OCPLSQL certificated. He has good knowledge of Java and SQL. He likes playing football and very much interested in other sports too.

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