Angular support for multiple language

Posted By : Abhishek Saini | 09-Jan-2017

Angular Multiple Language Support

This is how you can integrate multiple languages options for your website using angular.

Install the package

bower install angular-translate

Include the script into your index.html .

After including it.Make your app require the library as a dependency.

var app = angular.module('theApp', ['pascalprecht.translate']);


Now in your config part do something like:

app.config(function($translateProvider) {
  $translateProvider.translations('en', {
    TITLE: 'Welcome!',
    MESSAGE: 'This app supports your lanaguage!'
  .translations('sv', {
    TITLE: 'Välkommen!',
    MESSAGE: 'Denna app stöder ditt språk!'


You can also provide multiple languages according to your need.

Now in your html use like :

{{ 'TITLE' | translate }} {{ 'MESSAGE' | translate }}

Now in your controller be like:

app.controller('HomeCtrl', function($translate) {
var ctrl = this; 
ctrl.language = 'en' 
ctrl.languages = ['en', 'sv']; 
ctrl.updateLanguage = function() {

Just call above function where you need .You can also give options to user to select language from drop down and on its ng-change method just call your controller method.


Hope this will help.



About Author

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Abhishek Saini

Abhishek is bright Lead developer with skills in AngularJS and Java. He loves to learn new technologies.

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