An Introduction To System Testing

Posted By : Neha Saini | 18-Jan-2018

System Testing is a type of testing, under system testing test a complete and fully integrated software system.

The purpose of system testing is to validate the system’s compliance with the system requirements.

System Testing:-

 The process of system testing includes completely integrated system to make sure that it meets specified requirements.

Two Types of Software Testing:-

  • Black Box Testing
  • White Box Testing

System Testing test case falls under the black box testing of software testing.

White box testing is the testing of the internal code of a softwares.

A method used for System Testing:-

Usually, System testing uses Black Box testing method. System Testing include testing of software code for following:-

  • Testing the experience of the user's the software application. 
  • Include the testing of the fully integrated system to verify how components or modules interact with one another.
  • Tests for every input to verify the desired output.

Hierarchy of Software Testing:-

These are the categories of Software Testing arranged in chronological order
Unit Testing:- Unit testing is a type of testing that is performed for each block of code during the process of development.

Integration Testing:- Integration testing involves the testing of each module.

System Testing:- System testing is a type of testing that is performed on the complete system.

Acceptance Testing:- Acceptance testing of the software product is done by the user on bet version of the software product.

Types of System Testing:-

Usability Testing:- Usability testing is performed to test that the user interfaces are easy to understand and operate. Usability Testing is performed from the user's point of view.

Load Testing:- Load testing to performed to test that the system is capable to handle the expected load.

Regression Testing:- Regression testing is performed to make sure that the new functionalities added into the system does not break the old functionalities.

Functional Testing:- Functional Testing is performed to test that the system is behaving as expected.

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About Author

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Neha Saini

Neha is a QA Engineer in Oodles and have good knowledge of Manual Testing and Automation Testing , always eager to learn new things.

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