Alpha and Beta Testing

Posted By : Sandeep Rathor | 06-Jan-2017

For every Software product there are two most important phases are Alpha Testinf and Beta Testing. Alpha and Beta Testing are both the Part of SDLC. So Before talking about  Alpha and Beta Testing we need to understand SDLC. SDLC measns Software Development Life Cycel, SDLC aim is to create high Quality Software which meets the clients expactations complition with Estimate cost and time. There are Six phases in SDLC these are Planning,  Defining, Designing, Building, Testing and Development. SDLC contain some models which are contain the different approaches to develope the Software. These Models are Waterfall Model, Incremental Model, Iterative Mode;l, Spiral Model, V-Model, Prototype Model and Agile Model. Agile Model and V-Model are the most used model in the Software Testing. Most of the Software Development are use the Agile Model because this model contain the Sprint and Scrum. Sprint is a Time framework and Scrum is the team which is Run by Scrum master.

Now Back to Alpha Testing and Beta testing, they both are done under the SDLC. First understand the Alpha Testing what it is and why there is need of Alpha testing in SDLC then Beta Testing.

Alpha Testing :- Alpha Tesing is done on the Developer's side by the help of internal team before realease it ot customer. Alpha Testing is the First phase of Testing in Software Development Process. This type of Testing is always done without involvment of developer's team. The First phase of the Alpha Testing is done by the help of in house developer's to catch the bugs quickly and then done by the QA to Test it more effectively. Alpha Testing include the Unit Testing, Component Testing and System Testing.

alpha testing in Test Life Cycle

Beta Testing:- Beta Testing is also known as user testing, because this testing is done under the client's or user's enviormnet in this the end user test the compatiblity, functionality , usability and reliablitiy. Beta Testing Depends on the Test Cost, Number of Participants, Shipping, Duration of Test, Demographic Coverage. For more look at the image

beta testing in Test Life Cycle 

We can say Beta testing is a field Testing. Which is always done on the Cutomer's site. The goal of the Beta testing to test your software under the Real time with Real User to check how can the software facilitate the user's need. In this Software send to the customers side and install the software on the real world or we can say working enviorment. Beta testing is "Pre-release Testing". 

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Sandeep Rathor

Sandeep is an experienced QA Engineer with skills in Manual testing, Automation Testing and Performance Testing over both Mobile and Web Application

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