Why We Need Software Testing

Posted By : Abhimanyu Garg | 31-Jan-2018

In the software development lifecycle(SDLC) the Testing is an important part, which helps to improve the reliability, quality & performance of the software system or application with all check what all functions software supposed to do & also check that Software is not doing what he not supposed to do.

There is major Importance of testing in the part of SDLC to prevention and detection of defects and it is better to introduce testing in the early stage of SDLC phases so it helps to identify the defects in the early stage & try to avoid the bugs finding & get resolve in the last critical stage.

The most important thing about testing is that, Testing environment is different than the development environment and the testing done on testing environment is more similar to the Production/ live environment.


Why Software Testing become the part of early stage of SDLC?


Everyone know about the BREAKING DOWN 'Y2K' problem.


A shorthand term for "the year 2000" commonly used to refer to a widespread computer programming shortcut that was expected to cause extensive havoc as the year changed from 1999 to 2000. Many computer programs were designed to abbreviate four-digit years as two digits in order to save memory space. These computers could recognize only two digits (e.g., 99 instead of 1999). As a result, there was massive panic that computers system would be unable to operate when the date descended from "99" to "00".


Calculation the divide by zero

One similar example is the ‘divide by zero’ defect, where a calculation is performed that any number divides by zero. Thses type of calculation without using higher mathematics, isn’t possible to resolve, at least not and most software – for everything from super computers to pocket calculators and mobile devices – is written to take this scenario into account.








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Abhimanyu Garg

Abhimanyu has experience in Automation & Manual Testing of web based & desktop application using tool QA Test Complete, Selenium Web Driver. He has worked on different Business Domain - Travelling, Insurance & Accounting.

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